Saturday, September 18, 2010
Here is some interesting News that could have a bearing on the Cosmic Events having to do with the High Holy Days of 2010 and the Beginning of the Transformation.
It appears that the More Ancient High Holy Days have Gathered around and Converged Upon the Secret High Holy Day of Love Light which celebrates it’s High Holy Day every 9 years on this Date of Alignment; 9/11/3/5/11/9. This Alignment comes from the Date of Christ’s birth of 9/11/3bc and is also 9/11/3/5/11/9. This signifies the Month of Perfection/9, Year of Completion/3 on the Day of Light/11; the Way of Light/11 to the Destiny of Freedom/5, blessed by Perfection/9.
A Convergence of the High Holy Days of 2010 began August 11 with the Muslim High Holy Days of Ramadan and ended 2 days before Love Light on 9/9.
The Convergence of Ramadan is illustrated by the date it begins. August 11, 2010 which looks like this: 8/11/3/22/9/6. It's in the Month of Power/8, Year of Completion/3 on the Day of Ligh/11, in the Way of Perfection/9 to a Destiny of Creation/22 blessed by Life/6.
What strikes me about this Convergence is it’s timing when a Calendar based on Moon Cycles converges so intently on Dates determined by the Gregorian Calendar. Most years would have a big discrepancy but this year it’s a Convergence.
September 8 the Jewish New Year and “Days of Awe” began for the Jews as Rosh Hashannah. The “Book of Life” was opened and the most reverent High Holy Days for Jews began..
Eid al Fitr. Is the end of Ramadan, 9/9/2010.
9/11/2010: Two High Holy Days converge and seem to Anoint a 3rd High Holy Day; that of Love Light.
On 9/11/2010 a Secret High Holy Day takes place in the company of other High Holy Days. The Hindu High Holy Day of Ganesh Chaturthi and the High Holy Shabat Tshuva stand beside Love Light on this Triple Convergence of High Holy Days.
9/11/2010 Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular of Hindu festivals. It is the birthday of Lord Ganesha who is widely worshipped as the God of Wisdom, Prosperity and Good Fortune. He is the presiding Deity of the Muladhara Chakra, the psychic centre in the body in which the Kundalini Shakti resides.
The High Holy, Shabbat Tshuvah, the Most Holy Shabbat of the Jewish year was also celebrated on 9/11/2010. While the Book of Life is still Open and Jews are Seeking Forgiveness from God for sins against him and against Mankind this Shabbat is performed as a Day of Atonement for which a Blood Sacrifice is thought to take away sins.
The High Holy Day of Love Light is raised up from the ashes of 9/11/2001 and struggles to see the Light of Day as the curse of hate and ignorance continues to hold her down. The High Holy Day of the Birth of Christ comes but once every 9 years. This year Love Light seems to grow to Greater Fulfillment into the Word of God as it‘s Added to the Book Of Life.
One Week later, as Yom Kippur comes to pass and again on a High Holy Shabat, the Book of Life is Closed on 9/18/2010.
9/22/2010: As Mabon takes place it’s the Autumnal Equinox that marks the Descent into Darkness. At Winters Approach the High Holy Days are over.
Love Light Transformation Begins as Christ Consciousness Grows and comes into it’s Own. The Glory Shines Round About and Makes Peace. God/Goddess. Messiah'd Us; Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Love Light, God With Us. Amen Awoman
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