Monday, March 19, 2012

Intro; The Secret of Love Light

“Have no self interest; Be Doubly Generous and Good to All..” ~Love Light Smith True happiness is not possible unless it is in accordance with being of use to others. In heaven, each angel has a specific function which aligns itself with the whole. ~Emanuel Swedenborg. At first I thought the Secret to Heaven was the Mantra; “have no self interest; Be Doubly Generous and Good to All”; but then I realized the Secret to Heaven is not just the Mantra but the Universal Truth of Love Light. It may sound fantastic but from that it follows that Love Light is the Key to Saving the World! As for the Mantra it is universally accepted that we don’t live for ourselves alone but for others. If we, as a group, lived by that; our lives would be a Heavenly experience but that’s not the whole story. We can experience that right here and now. We don’t have to wait until we die. Everything is connected but because of negative energy our problem is living with lies. Ever since mankind decided to adopt barbarism as a way of life; we’ve been living for a false purpose. In the Positive everything is Love Light. Love is universally accepted and the idea that “God is Love”; but that’s only half the equation and without Light it falls flat. Light is Truth and Truth is connected with the Highest Universal Truth; all knowledge and the secrets to Life. As awesome as this is; if we don’t have Love; this also falls flat. “In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. 5: The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” Jesus: 1st John: 4. See how Life and Light are connected? The second part about darkness is ignorance of Life and what’s killing us. Because people don’t Love Light it’s nearly impossible for individuals to practice the Mantra; “have no self interest; Be Doubly Generous and Good to All”. If generosity is not reciprocal and cooperative it’s just enabling and if Love Light is not practiced it’s just theory. On some level; Love Light is practiced every day. Examples are a Family or Business if people strive together and add to the complex of Life. It starts to unravel when negativity creeps in but as long as this doesn’t happen; Love Light will stay. Look at the Family. As long as everyone is looking out for each other they’re practicing Love Light and they’re adding to the True basis of their existance. But as often happens when someone in this unit either stops loving or starts lying it begins to collapse and fall into negativity. Another example is a business that has good corporate ethics, a focus on providing something good for the public and taking care of its workers. Everyone is happy but as often happens it’s taken over by vulture capitalists who just want to make money the quickest way. So analyzed from the perspective of Love Light; do the new owners love this business and the people? Doubtfully. Do they tell the Truth? Not likely. My point is that without Love Light things fail. “they hate our Freedom”. George W. Bush (He should know). What happened to America and the“American Dream”? We were supposed to be a Country that believed in Freedom and spreading Democracy. Then on 9/11/2001 a terrible incident occurred. Because of people who “hated our freedom” we were viciously attacked and this Country that enjoyed a surplus and Peace was convinced to go to war! Who the people are that “hate our freedom” is still in dispute because of their ability to hide the “truth”. This truth is connected to all other truth and because it isn’t known; the perpetrators are able to do us harm without us knowing it. I knew the Truth about 9/11/2001before I discovered Love Light. After I put the name on it the process of explaining began. Now I’m adding that Love Light is the Secret and how to save ourselves by the Truth. All Positive work in Creation. With that the Masculine/Feminine relates to Love Light. One without the other doesn’t work. This world has been trying for thousands of years to operate in the Masculine alone and you can see where it’s gotten us. If you see the Feminine as Life you begin to understand but more to the point; it is the Knowledge of Life that truly describes the Feminine and the Light. The Masculine, on the other hand, when it’s in it’s True purpose is supposed to Love and protect Light. Love Light. It’s explained by the term; “Balance of the Masculine and Feminine”. What happens when negativity creeps into the Balance is exactly as I described above to the Family, the Business and to America. Therefore if instead of the Strong Protective Masculine practicing Love (of the Feminine) Light; the Masculine victimizes the Feminine (Life); then Good goes away and ruin takes its place. “Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. ~Leo Tolstoy Lies caused our Spiritual Decline. People depend on Religion to instruct them on Spiritual matters. People are in real trouble trying to separate Truth from lies and often the alternatives are just more lies. Anything that claims Spiritual Truth but doesn’t; puts our entire existence at risk. There is no god higher than truth. ~Mahatma Gandhi For 1700 years the Catholic Church dominated Religion and for its entire history it was the anti-Christ. It caused hundreds of years of war, suppression, persecution and misogyny. Now the neo-con, zionist; anti-Christ vies for power with it and is enabled by the same kind of hate and darkness. The only possible salvation is by Truth! “All Great Truths begin as Heresies. Witness Christ”. ~Love Light Smith. “And Ye Shall Know the Truth and The Truth Shall Set You Free”. Jesus Christ. The idea of Christ is Good if you understand Christ Consciousness. It is based on an archetype of a Spiritually advanced Hero who gives the Truth to Mankind. His message is from the Ultimate God/Goddess of the Universe. This is something we can do if we have the courage. E.g.; Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Christ hit the nail right on the head when he said “The Truth Will Set You Free” because the Truth that can Save Us if we understand the Code of Creation. The greatest truths are the simplest: so likewise are the greatest men. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare. Everyone knows there’s something wrong but can’t figure it out. Those in power want to keep it that way because it serves their purpose. The Truth is simple because it’s plain. With deceit, there can be thousands of lies; all claiming to be the Truth and if you don’t realize this in time you will destroyed by it! It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. ~Thomas Jefferson You don’t have to be a fanatic to see signs of the End Times. Just look outside and witness the weather. Ever since the United States went to war, climate change has gotten worse. This alarm seems silly because the present day male paradigm forgets the past so it can’s see the future and we think things will always be the same. Those who can’t remember the Past are condemned to repeat it. ~George Santyanna. People can’t see it because of lies and Climate Change denial but it’s clear that we have to curtail our carbon and methane output in a drastic way. How can people be convinced to do when there’s denial? How can we save ourselves? It’s “the Secret to Heaven”. In Heaven are all Truths and the Secrets of Life. I’ve always wanted Love Light but didn’t know it. When I described it people told me “That’s Heaven; you have to wait.” Later I found out we can have Heaven on Earth. If we don’t start practicing Love Light billions of people are going to need the “Secret to Heaven” in the worst way but it will be too late. It’s a “Secret” because our leaders keep it from us. According to most people the Secret to Heaven is absurd; but if we practiced it we could save the World and make it a Heaven on Earth! Otherwise we can take the Secret to Heaven to our next assignment when we die; if we understand it. It’s coming to a World near you. “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth”. Matthew 5: 5. “have no self interest, Be Doubly Generous and Good to All” comes from Love Light’s nearly perfect Table. (ie: No 1=no self interest. 2-3's=doubly genreous. 1 of every other numbers = good to all.) What would it mean if we practiced it? As I pointed out; Love Light is practiced in Families. I particularly like the Rainbow Family where a Tribal Spiritual existence is practiced. There are also intentional communities such as the Amish, The Farm and Findhorn that practice it. When the individual gives freely to help the group and the group takes care of the individual; this is Love Light. Christ is coming and when Meek Souls inherit the Earth it’s a fulfillment of the Prophesy. Theories are private property, but truth is common stock. ~Charles Caleb Colton Life on Earth is to make the choice; what Body (Group, God) do we want to be a part of. We’ve been doing this for many life times; being born back and forth on the Spiritual Plane; until we get it right. This cycle could end if the Earth’s ability to sustain us is over. Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to end. Maybe the whole of Humanity will be Judged for destroying the Creation. If the Earth is destroyed there are many other Planets where Souls could go depending on the choices we’ve made. After we die we go to an intermediary Spirit world where our Souls are examined in the Light. We make some decisions and work with enabling spirits to decide a future Life. I don’t know about punishment but I think we’re accountable for the Life we live. A Love Light Planet would be Paradise. To receive this it’s necessary to honor Creation and Love and Work for the Life Force. Symbolically our God in a Loving Marriage to Goddess. That’s the consciousness of Meek Souls trying to have zero impact on their environment and work with it in a creative way. That includes people’s relationship with each. To be born there would be a well deserved blessing. Truth is rarely writ in ink; it lives in nature. ~Martin H. Fischer At one time there was Paradise and Heaven on Earth but we destroyed it. The island of Haiti was Heaven for the Arawaks who lived before Columbus. People taking the name of Christ in vane made a hell out of one island after another and then the American Continent was destroyed. Now the United States is a haven of rich war lords who are destroying the last vestiges of Heaven on Earth. Witness the fact that the last wars were carried out in the Holy Land and the Cradle where Christ is supposed to emerge. “ Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.” ~Matt. 12: 31-32. The Holy Spirit; Shakina (Sophia) is Feminine. Blasphemy is destruction of the Feminine. The reason it’s unforgivable is that we’re destroying the essence of Life and thereby condemning ourselves so we can’t be reborn. Goddess and Heaven are interchangeable. Christ told us “the Truth Shall Set You Free”. The Highest Truth is Light. Within Light are the Secrets of Life. The Secret to Heaven is in the Feminine. A thing may happen and be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth. ~Tim O'Brien “God please give us a Religion that works”! ~Love Light Smith. In 2006 I wrote a paper and in an impassioned state I wrote; “God please give us a Religion that works”! Then came Love Light. People want to ban Religion but Religion is just like everything else and can be used in a positive or negative way. Traditionally Religion has been controlled politically. Now irreligion is considered to be smart but it seems to me that both false religion and irreligion are targets of opportunity for “subjective truth”. Be suspicious of this. What we really need is a Religion that works. Love Light makes a perfect image to see the Balance of the Masculine/Feminine. Love Light, 911 and the Masculine/Feminine all reside on the line between Heaven and Earth. When we understand this Most Holy Dynamic we are Enlightened. Life is Created here. Life is created by Love Light. If Life doesn’t Love Light; it doesn’t thrive and when we don’t Love Light we die. When we Love Light we Live. That’s the Truth and if we’re open to it we can understand Life. In order to understand Love Light it's necessary to understand Newmeralligy. Newmerallity 9-9-9-9. People call Numerology an Art. They either look to science or religion and they think it’s neither but it’s both! It’s a Spiritual Science and a New Dispensation. Using the logic of Mathematics it draws objective conclusions. As everything is connected so is Religion and Science. Religion/Love; Science/Light; Love Light again! Numerology has been practiced for thousands of years and Newmeralligy adds a whole new dimension. It should be respected and utilized. The fact that it works and is true should be proof enough. If a thousand old beliefs were ruined in our march to truth we must still march on. ~Stopford Brooke Christian superstition condemns Numerology. This bigotry has roots in the Bible which although called “the word of God”; was written by Man. This illustrates how the Spell of false Religion takes Gods name in vane to give themselves power. Pythagoras said “Numerology gives us a way to talk to God” and those who make themselves God don’t want us to go around them. That’s why they viciously slander those who would Divine the Truth. One such scripture is Deuteronomy 18:10 uses a classic “straw man fallacy” to destroy an opponent’s credibility. By including Divination with people who sacrifice their own children in the fire, a comparison is made that’s grossly unfair and erroneous. Numerology is never mentioned in the Bible and Astrology is practiced in the Bible. Priests should pay attention to the facts! Bible Heroes and Patriarchs clearly used Astrology; Jesus was located by a Star and Daniel was a Chief Astrologer. At one time the Catholic Church outlawed the Bible and punished people by burning them at the stake; ironically considering Deuteronomy 18:10. It was a threat to their power and just reading was considered a form of “divination” in the Dark Ages. Christians follow a Bible written by Jews who practrice the occult; which simply means “the unknown”. This helps them retain their power over us common people with knowledge that we’re too superstitious to investigate. Shouldn’t we adopt our own Mystical Tradition in order to protect ourselves and to get Wisdom? When Science first began to gain legitimacy the Roman Catholic Church tried in vain to suppress it; again considering Deuteronomy; 18:10; by burning people. On the other hand; if science doesn’t Love Light, they deny the Spiritual. Love Light represents a Balance of Love and Truth and this logic includes the Spiritual Realm. Without Love Light;1 then what is truth but the average of all lies. ~Robert Brault. 1 (If there be no God….. ) I perceive Love Light as the seed of Life. These two small words hold everything important Spiritually and with the 9/11 Numbers this gives the code to start all things new. It has all the crucial ingredients; Love to give impetus to the beginning and Light which is the knowledge of how to make Life. The Date 9/11 is when to start. Then from the Table there is no 1 so the Transformation must start again, there are two 3’s so the necessary things of Male and Female will come together and there is 1 of everything else to begin the process. In deception we’re held back from the Truth that could save us. Love Light is the True Order of Masculine Feminine Love for Life. It’s the Universal Constant. When we deny this we’re missing the Secret to Heaven and the Way to Save the World. This is the source of our crude destructive existence that we endure because we don’t Love Light; but this is by no means irreversible. Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident. ~Arthur Schopenhauer.

Actually there's a realistic solution to Save Us from ourselves. It involves the 1% of the Worlds richest people and asks them to provide their half of the solution by financing it. The other 99% need to go along with it. Both working together we could turn this hopeless situation into success. We just have to work together.
It requires our Leaders to be real Leaders and for them to stop doing things how they've always done them and the same goes for the populace of the World.
I assure everyone that we could reduce our output of co2 by 90% if we took certain measures and we would make our World a far better place in the process. Maybe even a Heaven on Earth!
If the 1% would give up their obcession with exploiting everything and forgive us our debts and we forgave our debtors we could do the things we need to do to save ourselves. It would enable us to stop trying to keep up by destroying the Planet. This would also involve the elimination of all non essential carbon burning such as World Travel in it's present form. If our debts were forgiven we could go back to local Farming and providing for our needs by doing it locally. We would do things locally and at home and since we wouldn't need to travel to work we would reduce our carbon footprint from that.
I have done enough experimentation to know that I can reduce my own carbon footprint by 90% easily and willingly. It's just a matter of realizing the need and doing it. People in 3rd World countries already do it.
The 1% would have to cut back too and because they can influence public perception this would also be their duty. In the past they did it to exploit us but now they could do it to save us.

More details: I know lots of people who, if it was left up to them, they could give us exact instructions for reducing our carbon footprint. There are many Americans who have the conscientious nature to live by what they believe when it comes to the environment. They have gardens and ride bicycles and cut their impact every way possible.
Even among the regular folks there are some who don't use 10% of what others do. Of the 1% like Bush and Obama; their idea of how to get around is with huge flying machines like Air Force 1 which is a 747 and there's not 1, there's 2 of these mammoth planes that take them around for events. This sets a really poor example to other people and unfortunately it impresses the common folk to see this terribly wastefull way of life.
President Obama was also in favor of the kind of offshore drilling that caused the BP disaster and Fracking to get natural gas and everything else the 1% want. He is not the one calling the shots but there are families in the World who have more money than half of the people on Earth and they are the ones in control of our destiny. It was one of these families who actually own British Patrolium.
These families are part of an international corporate elite who because of their wealth and power are able to control large areas of our life. For some unknown reason they don't use their influence for Good but for their own gain; no matter how harmful it is to our long term existance.
When it comes to BP it almost looks like they want to destroy the World and they have no consideration for the wellfare of the People and the Planet they control. Sometimes it seems like they want to corrupt everyone too and get them to choose hell and evil.
So not only are they killing us but they are making people believe lies and getting them to do evil for them. This is something that affects people's Souls and our World Leaders are using their influence against people's souls and putting them at risk according to whatever people believe about evil and it's consequences.

What I'm suggesting then is that everyone should change their ways and start doing what is right. I especially stress to the Leaders that they change their ways begin to use their power to change things in a Good way.
This is not an impractical suggestion and I believe that first you begin with the people who are willing to do the right thing and give them financial backing. The richest 1% of the population have made vast fortunes off the war and off oil and they have the funds to support this program. There are vast powers in the media that could be used to show the way to the Truth. Not by lieing as usual but by telling the Truth about our true condition and show what people can do about it. Then as people begin to successfully cut back and improve their lives their story could be told.
What we need is Love Light. We need the Truth and we need a Love for the Truth. Start there because if the Truth were known there would be a lot of trouble for those who are responsible for our perilous condition. They have broken every commandmant and they think they are immune from punishment. I'm not asking for them to be punished but I am asking them to pay. Their willingness to help is our only chance.
That's my solution and I will add details to this idea over time. Love Light Smith

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Friend's Death. Grace for both of Us.

A friend who was deeply respected died on Leap Day; Feb. 29. Her death causes me to question the way I have lived my life and many of the positions I have taken. It prompts me to write down some thoughts to see if I can make sense of my emotions.
By Worldly standards she is so much more than me for the great work she has done. In her job and for her community and Church she made her life count for something. She did her best by uniting the powers that be while conforming to conventional standards of right and wrong.
I loved her too because she was so gracious and supportive of the new ideas that I have. She had a magic quality and a special power that made people want to give and give and give. In her last days she brought me into this sphere and showed me how it all worked.
Even if I haven't lived my life so that others would give me accolades and honor and love she showed me something of a life well lived.
Maybe I'll get it right some day and get some honor for what I'm trying to do or I'll find out that people respect me for the way I lived my life but I have my doubts that it will be on the same grand scale that she did. I believe the Holy Spirit is using me and Christ and God and Goddess know. My people and my country don't understand but I keep trying.
She knew how to do Good in spite of this and brought it all together. Maybe she can teach me yet or maybe I have to strive along, alone in the quest to find the pearl and show it in the light that people understand.
The intense striving I've done the last few years to seek the highest degree of righteousness in all things including Love Light was at first an optimistic enterprise. Then less and less so until I do it as a Hermit with only the determination of ego to keep me going. Ego is not given the credit it deserves as a protector of Good things and we're supposed to just get rid of it and take our shields down. Ego is why reason doesn't penetrate but it is also what keeps ignorance from prevailing. It's given to us for some reason and like everything we should use it for it's highest purpose; discovering what is right and protecting what is right.
My friend was a great unifier who was a Light for those in the community and Church while at the same time embracing the more radical truth of Feminist Theology. I would like to be more like her and be loved like she was and I want some of the Spirits who were around her to be around me and have some of the power that she processed.
I'm a radical and push the boundaries of convention and I'll do that until radical things don't seem so radical anymore. That's not popular. In my positions seeking high righteousness in Love Light I have a very negative view of using the Cross as a Holy Symbol but then I found it all over the Church where her Memorial was held so I had to rethink it. This great woman went along with it so what's wrong with me?
I conclude; there's nothing wrong with me for objecting to the Cross as a Christian Symbol. Maybe she never thought about it but maybe she accepted it as a price she had to pay to optimise the Good she wanted to do. I have to think that and most people just accept a lot of things to get through this life.
It is a mystery though. She was a Great Person. So what should I do?
I think the Cross is a symbol that's been foisted on us by anti-Christ notions that are still with us from the days of Roman crucifixion. So why do "Christians" who claim to follow Christ adorn themselves with a symbol of not only his cruel death but the cruel deaths of thousands of other people the Romans oppressed and terrorized?
I know there's a standard answer for this; that it's a symbol of our forgiveness so we remember Christ's sacrifice for us. That makes no sense if we're capable of critical thinking.
What is really at question here is whether you work within the system to do Good or be a rebel like Christ. If she wasn't such a good person I would say to be a rebel like Christ could be the only way but there must be more to it than that.
I have to rethink my position on "Grace" because I can think of nothing else that would apply so well here. Grace for my friend who used the system to help as many people as possible to get the support and Love they all needed. Maybe it's not right to use the Cross as a symbol of Christianity but Love and Grace forgives it.
And Grace for me if what I'm doing in confronting the status quo religious paradigm is somehow wrong because I don't care enough about the Love of my fellow men.
As I have discovered through my study; we all have jobs to do in life and mine is to be critical and analytical about commonly held perceptions that I see as impediments to Enlightenment and Life. That's why I was born the way I was with my nature.
I know I offend people even when I'm not being especially critical and just trying to explain Love Light. Most people don't Love Light. Somehow people know instinctively that Love Light is an affront to how we live. To me that's sad.
Do you know that in the 12th Century the real Christian Church was killed off because of their beliefs; including not using the Cross as a Symbol? Tens of thousands of True Christians were exterminated in an act of genocide upon the order of Pope Innocent in a war that lasted 20 years. After that the anti-Christ took over and it's "Inquisition" went on for 500 years and millions more were slaughtered in an unholy use of the name of Christ. Our ancestors were a part of this and Christopher Columbus who we revere turned a virtual Heaven on Earth into a hell for the people who lived in the land we now occupy. For me this is not something to perpetuate but something to repent of.
My friend was a beautiful person and still is because she is surely going to a good place after all the Good she did. That's why I have to moderate my thinking out of love and respect for her and all the people who love her. There is also room for people like me who's purpose is to stir things up and light the way. And that sounds so lame in a World like this.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Christ on the cross vs. Christ Alive.

I’ve talked about this before. There's a dynamic that'as been promoted by Christians and others that says Christ is next to God in Heaven and there will not be another Christ until he returns. As a result people worship him but don’t realize we can emulate him and be be Christ as part of his Body. Just Worshiping Christ without emulating him makes us lazy so we expect to be handed his blessings and not work for them. Doctrines of the church even discourage us from being like him such as Paul’s words saying we’re saved by Grace and not Works.
So if you make a God of someone you break the mold and say no other can be like him. This is also true of the word Messiah. It should be defined as someone who comes to save their people but instead it's simply perceived that Christ is the Messiah and that's that. Then the term Messiah is put right alongside Christ as being separate and unattainable.
What was Christ, though? He was a Rebel,a Reformer and a Man of the People. He challenges the Authority of the Aristocracy, Priests and Politicians. He practices a deep form of Spiritual Attainment and has Power. He preaches the Truth and practices Love. He teaches many things that were incredibly wise and he can do miracles.
That’s our Faith.
We don’t know any more about him than the account in the Bible because there’s no other source to confirm his existence. We choose to believe the Bible account but he could be a myth or he may actually have been a character from 100 years earlier Yeshua Pandera who had been executed by the Jews and Romans for heresy.
There’s no Historical confirmation of his life around 3 BC. It may be that all record of him was destroyed purposely to erase his memory or it could be that the Roman Catholic Church used the earlier story of Yeshua Pandera preserved by the Gnostics; who were this earlier Christ's followers.
Whatever the Truth about Christ there are many qualities attributable to him we can emulate and copy and that's Christ Consciousness.
The question is whether we should honor the Man more than his Word. If we honor the Man more and make him God and believe that the mere mention of his name is enough to save us; that’s the way for most Christians.
If we honor and follow him and believe that we should do as he said and try to follow him we should separate this from other contradictory teachings in the Bible. Most Christians are fooled into disobeying Christ to follow Paul and the many Old Testament beliefs of the war loving patriarchs. But look! Christ rebelled against the rulers of the Jews and he taught that if we know the Truth we're Free!
Jesus Christ would be rebelling against what's happening now! He would be preaching Love and Truth and be trying to fight against hate and darkness. There are many people trying to do that and the forces of darkness are trying to shut them up; so it's the same thing again! There are also a majority of people who don’t want to hear the truth because they want things the anti-Christ can provide and they don’t care how they get them. Essentially they would do anything for a buck and they’re enslaved by the system they would be afraid not to.
Many of the above are in the Church and the Church is compromised by a majority who are fooled into supporting the anti-Christ. This is the reality with the leaders of this world who dispell a host of false beliefs; spawning a defacto spell.
One ingredient of the spell is that Christ was one of a kind; a God who has to come back in the person of Jesus Christ. Another ingredient of the Spell is that we don’t need to do what Christ did because we’re saved by Grace. Another is that we’re saved by his Sacrifice. Another is that all we have to do is profess the belief that He’s “the Son of God”. Another is that Water Baptism saves us. Another is that confession means we confess that he is the Son of God. Another is that repentance means we stop following our own way and follow what the Church says. There’s a whole litany of things that excuse us from doing what he said and get us to follow the leaders of the Church. That’s a spell.
The first clue to being fooled is when we’re told that people of other beliefs are evil and we should go to war to fight them. Another clue is when we’re told to honor the government and do what it says above what we know in our hearts.
War kills the chance for Christ and Christ Consciousness. War sets Humanity back and is carried out to kill any who might be born into Christ.
One of the most evil men in history, J. Edgar Hoover, is quoted as saying about Dr. King; “we don’t need a Black Messiah”.
So understand the reality that the anti-Christ will try to kill any who might emerge as a Messiah and something else; there is not just one man who could be a Messiah; it’s the Messiah dynamic they’re afraid of.
Their way to get rid of Christ also happened to John and Bobby Kennedy. It happened to Mahatma Gandhi; to Paul Wellstone, John Lennon and Malcolm X and it’s going to happen to many more.
As long as war is waged time after time; over time society doesn’t get to recover. Then just as it could emerge into a time of awakening with Christ and Christ Consciousness another war comes and stops the process. That way the powers of evil can stay in power and keep deceiving.
With war evil governments and leaders have to be in power to meet the challenge. This self perpetuating reality also makes worse enemies and this makes more justification for war and preparing for war.
John Kennedy was trying to prevent war and was eliminated when he went against the covert powers. When he was killed LBJ told the hawks “now you can have your war”. That led to Vietnam which killed 50,000 Americans and 3,000,000 Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. How many Christs were killed in that war and how much was the potential of a Christ Conscious society held back?
Then because of our actions a huge backlash occurred in Vietnam and Cambodia after we left and evil leaders came to power like Pol Pot and millions more were killed. Those leaders would never have come to power if the US hadn’t done what it did in the Vietnam war.
Later on it was admitted by former secretary of deffense, Robert McNamara that the war was based on lies. The trigger that started it called “the Golf of Tonkin incident” was also found to be a “False Flag Event” and fabricated to start the war.
So my premise now is that our perception about Christ and Messiah is holding us back in many ways. Our perception should be opened up to include the abilities of other humans to achieve greatness on these terms. That we don’t need to be a God in order to do the things that Christ did. Further that it is the duty of those who profess Christ to do as he did, individually and in groups.
What the terms Christ and Messiah really are is the Heroic archetype that tries to free people from all forms of injustice and oppression. We don’t need to be Gods to do this and we don’t need to be Christians. We can call ourselves anything or not label ourselves at all but just have the strong desire to help and some good tools of discernment.
No doubt, if we do these things we will be persecuted and possibly killed and that’s our Sacrifice but that Sacrifice is not for the benefit of the people who spilled our blood. And it's not so others can say we were sacrificed for them because that's human sacrifice.
There is always work to be done and no one should rest on what someone else did. We need to continue on the path that Christ led us to in the way he laid down and live the way he taught. To think otherwise isfalse and invented by those who killed Christ. Paul was guilty of killing Christians and then he became one of the principal Bible authors and the one who taught the doctrine of Grace! These are people who sacrificed Christ and then reaped the sacrifice energy to found a powerful Church that takes his name in vane.
That brings up the wearing of the Cross and especially one with Christ on it. We’re supposed to believe that this symbol keeps him in remembrance and that he died for our sins but this symbolism could also be seen in a differently. It could appear as reveling in his crucifixion and seeing it as a good thing. It puts cross wearers firmly in the camp of the anti-Christ.
There was a belief in ancient times that sacrifice of Animals and even Humans could impart power to the priests who practiced it. Symbolically then, this could be the same for those who believe Christ died to save us for our sins. This is too close to the Hebrew practice of bringing a lamb to slaughter to atone for sins. It gives credence to the idea of killing another. That same dynamic is going on with those who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11/2001. The anti-Christ perpe-traitors gained power from it in the first place. This was a sacrifice to them and it gained them tremendous amounts of evil energy that they used to spawn hate and darkness for war.
The recent wars in turn killed a million more and gave the anti-Christ more negative evil energy. More was taken from the sacrifice of those they tortured and those who were injured and will have to spend a life of suffering. They took sacrificial energy in the form of the money they made from the war. They reap evil from the sacrifice of so many futures from depleted uranium in the war zone. They continue to get evil energy from the sacrifice of everyone in the United States who has been hurt by the war that takes from the poor and gives to the rich. It was wall street and the corporations that gained from the sacrifice and their gain gives them power; evil power in a convoluted system that gives power to the most evil and the most cruel. Is that the kind of sacrifice we want when we say Christ died on the cross to save us from our sins? He did die as a Sacrifice but that power would have gone to increase evil if his followers hadn’t followed his example and continued what he started. People have forgotten!
What we should do about Christ is bring him back to Life. We should take the power of Christ and resurrect him by bringing him back to Life. We should realize that we who bring the Light of Truth are the Body of Christ and we should be United in Christ Consciousness to Create a body that Loves and Lights the entire World and stops giving power to evil.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Love Light Community

In this post there will be some mention of the date 9/11/2001. To remind people that it was a High Holy Day that was purposely blasphemed by warmongers to spawn hate and darkness. So we should understand this and re-think our perceptions of it and understand it as a High Holy Day to be honored. As such; to do this we are bringing back Good Energy to our Consciousness and Life. Since this High Holy Day is Ninennial it only comes every 9 years.

Friday, January 20, 2012

2012 Analysis.

Over the last week or so I've been resurrecting last years chart. It's a rather monumental task to try to figure out all the numbers for a whole year and analyze them but that's what I'm doing.
If you can imagine 365 days in a year; make that 366 days because it's Leap Year and multiply that times 7 and you have an idea of how many numbers I had to shuffle (2562) without the aid of software. It's a lot of work.
What I've been doing, I guess, is statistics and it's a huge amount of information to organize.
So I do it and I try to glean some information from the statistics I'm gathering. I'm going into uncharted territory because no one can show me the way. No one else knows the system I'm using, no one else is going to do the work for me and no one else can advise me.
One year is the same as the next except that the Year progresses by 1 (until 9 and then it starts over as 1 the next year). This makes the Destiny Progress by 1 and the Way progress by 1. The Star is a total of the Day+Destiny+Way so it progresses by 3 and there is 3 in between each star. The Star is going to be a 1-4-7, a 2(11)-5-8 or a 3-6-9. One of these Star sequences takes a rest each year. In 2012 it's the 3-6-9 that's taking a rest. Sometimes the way these numbers progress makes for some interesting signs and some predictions can be made.
I have decided that Star is a "Gift from God" (Or the Universe if you prefer) so there is a big change from year to year. The Early Star is 1/Individual, Leader, New Beginning; 4/Work, Create, Discipline; 7/Logic, Order, Hermit. The Late Star is 2/Balance, Kindness, Harmony (11/Light, Enlightenment, Truth) 5/Freedom, Soul, Core, Center; 8/Power, God, Knowing. The Star Sequence that's taking a rest is 3/Completion, Attraction, Social; 6/Life, Nurture, Care; 9/Perfect Love, Universal Love.
Also we went from a 4Year; Work and Discipline Creating Energy to a 5Year; Freedom Soul Center Core Energy. We're in a Year who's primary energy is Freedom. We need this Freedom and it's essential to our Soul. The Soul is searching for it's place, where it's right. Without Freedom the Soul can't develop. This Late Star also has a 5in it and it's associated with 11/Light and 8/God Power and that's a Gift from God.
An extremely important consideration is for these numbers to have Good Positive meaning because we're in Good. Otherwise they have the opposite meaning because we're in evil. A good example is that 5/Freedom is bondage in the negative. 11/Light would be darkness and 8/Power would be weakness. So you can see why we must live in Positive Energy.
People don't know what Good is or what evil is but put simply Good is Creation and evil is destruction. Love Light is Good and it's what's essential to our guide to Positive Energy. It's actually "The Secret to Heaven"; to "have no self interest, Be Doubly Generous and Good to All."
Love Light is "Love of All Creation and Light; which is the Truth". How can we say we Love God if we don't Love Creation?
We have to Love Light because if we love lies and evil it isn't Love and if we don't Love why would we want Light? Bottom Line; we must Love Light.
Christ said "The Truth will set you Free!" Christ was Good and Christ Consciousness is Good. Not to make Christ a God of oppression so we can lord it over others and take advantage of our status but to have Christ Consciousness and try to seek the highest and best Good to share with others.
2012; rather than being a crazy year with all kinds of dangerous signs; it seems to be a regular year. So those who want to make trouble this year are going to have to work evil. These signs are not dramatic and signs are not Good or evil by themselves.
I'm still working on the chart and the analysis but so far it's not as dramatic as 2011.
I started all this because last May there were some amazing signs and after I made the first chart of May I did the whole year. This year I took the chart for 2011 and made it into 2012 to see if it looked like it was the end of the World.
According to the Love Light Chart we should be looking to 9/11/2013 as the end; but not the end of the World, just the "Transformation". I also investigated that and I still don't see any signs to worry about. I think it's mankind that makes things either Good or evil anyway and not the Numbers. Some people do know how to manipulate negative energy and they use it on the Numbers but with Positive Energy we can make all things Good.
The point now is for good people to do good things and live good Creative lives of lots of Positive Energy so whatever numbers there are will make things turn out well by Positive Energy.
For a while it seemed like we were going to fall down into the pit but things have been turning around lately. It seems like folks are trying to change things and make things better and they're not believing all the negativity and the lies that we're being told. So there's hope and the more people try and the more we think critically and go with our instincts the more positive energy there will be.
When the Transformation is complete we are either going to emerge into the Light 11 or into darkness. I think that we are going to emerge into the Light and we're going to see better days.
I'll keep you posted on the analysis and if I find out any different; I'll let you know.
Love Light Smith

Monday, January 9, 2012