Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Love Light 9/11/2001: A New Dispensation.
The cross was a symbol the Romans used to terrorize their subjects. In Catholic Churches you see grotesque cross's with a bloody Christ depicted on them; almost like a warning to "Truthers" who would oppose the Church and the agenda of World domination. That Logic is confirmed by evidence throughout history of Church conquests. Christ Is Truth and he's being warned.
So; why, then, did they leave evidence of Christ’s True Message in the Bible that condemns the actions of the Church? Perhaps it’s to give us free choice to use our own mind to discover the Truth.
I call this “The Big Picture” and see it as a reason why this World is not supposed to be a Perfect Place; but a place to build Goodness into people or evil; as the case may be.
Without the contrast between Good and evil; we would have no frame of reference.
I also realize that without the attacks on 9/11/2001; I would not have discovered Love Light!
So now; the point is; we need something to replace the false narrative of the Christian Church and put Christ back into it. By that I mean Truth. Christ said "The Truth will Set You Free" and I think that was the most important thing he said. Love Light and Christ are interconnected as you can see in the Chart of Love Light above. There are 7 specific signs of Christ; as illustrated in the new chart. what happened in Christianity; also happened in Pythagorism before that. There was actually a kind of Church around Pythagoras and it was a threat to the same kind of anti-Christ dictators who killed Christ later. anti-Truth forces; who control with lies killed Pythagoras but then later they held him up as a God and made up a lot of myths to glorify him. I believe; this was repeated with Christ and he was Glorified but his Message of Truth was replaced with an anti-Christ message of lies. Then a lot of myths were invented so people would have a religion that allowed them to do evil and feel good about it. The alternative shown in Love Light brings a Christ Message of Truth again; which is clearly shown by studying Love Light 9/11/2001. That is the New Dispensation and although I have barely scratched the surface of it's meaning; there is much more that I have not told you yet. LL
Monday, November 25, 2013
Foreward to "Secret of Love Light Introduction".
It doesn’t matter how logical a new idea may be; because most strong opinions have a logic that is so hidden by the past it can’t be reached for review. Many of these opinions are needed to counterbalance a life that is absurd in many ways and it helps people justify actions that are otherwise illogical. Opinions are necessary to our life because we have no choice but to do what's necessary to make a living.
I will give an example: We have a beautiful environment that provides all we need and is good for our Spirit because it offers a rich beauty from Nature that's good for our Soul; but because a corporation wants what’s underground; we destroy it, to get at a resource like coal.
People are willing to destroy our Natural Areas for money and willing to look the other way when it is done carelessly; for short term profit. If logic were applied; other means could be employed and natural resources such as water and air could be saved and natural beauty preserved. When Short term profit is the only logic; other values are not factored in and we pay the consequences. This goes against our own self interest and impacts the majority and enriches; only a few. Because of missing data; logic can’t be applied and conventional people are fooled. The missing data is that we need what we're destroying in the future. This truth has been deemed inconsequential to the short term; we‘re living in. So, we steal from the Future by destroying a resource that is fundamental to life.
See this Logic a little further and see this destruction as intentional to the goals of leaders who control our resources. If scarcity is caused by the destruction of water; then it becomes more valuable and those who own it have a monopoly.
"Conventional Wisdom" is what conventional people believe in. Any other kind of Wisdom; based on Truth is saved for Idealists, Philosophers and Monks.
Part of the problem is also that there is no definite Truth in the information we have at hand. In general we are kept from the Truth our entire lives.
If our parents don’t know the Truth; they’re not going to be able to clue us in with their opinions. When we get to School; they may change these opinions but not tell us the Truth. The mainstream media surrounds us with lies and everyone around us believes the lies; too; so where do we get the Truth?
Churches claim to give us the Truth but that’s not so. Otherwise why are there so many different Churches with contradictory beliefs.
You might say it doesn’t matter or there's no definitive Truth but if you study and go back far enough; the Truth is there for you to uncover if you have a way to discern it Logically.
Using the Logic I have at my disposal I see nefarious entities that have infiltrated Sacred Societies and insinuated their destructive agenda’s on them. Churches and temples were the first targets. Evil came in and took over. This is where we are today and Good is called evil and evil is called good.
The obvious example is Christianity! Can you see that the very entity that killed Christ; was the one that took over? Isn’t that just simple logic?
The opinion people have is that the Jews killed Christ but he wasn't killed by stoning; but by crucifixion as the Romans did! Then; in this “Christianity”; the cross is used as a “Holy”
symbol with the excuse that it’s a “symbol of forgiveness”; but that’s not Logical!
The cross was a symbol the Romans used to terrorize their subjects. In Catholic Churches you see grotesque cross's with a bloody Christ depicted on them; almost like a warning to "Truthers" who would oppose the Church and the agenda of World dominion. That Logic is confirmed by evidence throughout history of Church conquests. Christ Is Truth and he's being warned.
So; why, then, did they leave evidence of Christ’s True Message in the Bible that condemns the actions of the Church? Perhaps it’s to give us free choice to use our own mind to discover the Truth.
I call this “The Big Picture” and see it as a reason why this World is not supposed to be a Perfect Place; but a place to build Goodness into people or evil; as the case may be.
Without the contrast between Good and evil; we would have no frame of reference.
I also realize that without the attacks on 9/11/2001; I would not have discovered Love Light!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Secret of Love Light: Introduction
I’ve been writing about Love Light for 6 Years; trying to explain it and find it extremely difficult and the public difficult to reach.
Part of the problem is that I've had to get up to speed and educated. Another problem is the resistance in the public to these ideas.
They call it Cognitive Dissonance; which is essentially; a resistance to ideas that contradict strongly held opinions.
It doesn’t matter how logical a new idea may be; because most strong opinions have a logic that is so hidden by the past it can’t be reached for review. Many of these opinions are needed to counterbalance a life that is absurd in many ways and it helps people justify actions that are otherwise illogical. Opinions are necessary to our life because we have no choice but to do what's necessary to make a living.
Part of the problem is also that there is no definite Truth in the information we have at hand. In general we are kept from the Truth our entire lives.
The mainstream media surrounds us with lies and everyone around us believes the lies; too; so where do we get the Truth?
Churches claim to give us the Truth but that’s not so. Otherwise why are there so many different Churches with contradictory beliefs.
Machiavelli lived in the 15th Century and he found many practical ways to get by and succeed in a corrupt society and he wrote it all down in a Book called “The Prince”.
He was actually a fundamentally moral person and an idealist and was jailed by the authorities but his book has survived the centuries. His name is synonymous with corruption but his book is studied; both by the honest and by the dishonest masses to see what they can get out of it.
I brought this up because we are by no means living in a unique civil state and lies and corruption go way back and it's important to study the roots if we want to undo our confusion.
I see confusion as the order of the day and the results are coming out in our children. Many are destroying themselves as they reach for their freedom. How can they handle freedom if they have no moral boundaries to keep themselves from harm? What do they know for sure?
The youngsters of the day don’t know anything for sure because their parents don’t know. It was once Religion that dictated morality but Religion is dieing out and being attacked by secularism; which has no moral compass to replace Religion.
There was an add on a Bus in England I read about and it said something like this: “there’s no life after death so you might as well go out and do what you want and enjoy your life.”
So secularism doesn’t just say that Religion is the problem with our World and there‘s no God. It also says we can act like animals and we have no soul and there’s nothing after we die.
So that's what’s supposed to replace Religion. How devastating to a young person! They might as well go out and party with drugs and sex and rock and roll because there’s no reason to live a good life!
They might as well become a soldier and kill for a living or become a corrupt politician and take what they can get and there’s no one to tell them any different. In fact; society is telling them to go for it!
Here’s where Love Light comes in. Bottom line is that it is Truth based and not opinion. Whatever the Truth is; and let the chips fall where they may. Love Light is “The Love of the Truth of Life”.
There's no argument about whether there is a God or not or whether there is Life after Death. It is just The Truth: Whatever that is! But it Loves Truth not lies.
Love Light is searching for The Truth of Life in what ever way we have at our disposal. My way happens to be finding it in our writing and dating systems with Newmeralligy. Another person may look for it in Science and others look for it in Art and Music. Some look for it in Nature. Some study History. They’re all connected. What we need to do is put our heads together and build on each other’s concepts instead of fighting over one belief or another and going back to Monotheism or Secular Science!
I have a concept that applies here: There are 2 kinds of conversations: One is Masculine and the other is Feminine. Masculine just wants to win and wants it's opinion to rule any discussion. The Feminine respects others and their spirit and life and it wants to build a conversation; not tear it down. If the Masculine wants to do the right thing; it can protect the Feminine and help build this conversation.
One misconception above is to say it’s about Men and Women but we all have the Masculine and Feminine in us. The Feminine is the Life affirming qualities we possess and Life itself and the Masculine is supposed to protect Life.
Masculine often suppresses the Feminine Life Force within us and exploits it for a good time and momentary pleasure. It takes the Life Force; which is like capitol in a bank and it makes withdrawals; diminishing it until it starts to have to borrow to keep itself going. If it goes too far the negative masculine can bankrupt and kill the Life Force.
Now we get into Positive and negative. There is the Good Positive and the bad negative in everything and in the example of the Masculine and Feminine above; if the Masculine aspect was acting in the Positive it would protect the Feminine Life Force within instead of exploiting it; and build it up as Stronger and Stronger Life.
It would give Life to the Body with more healthy food and Life to the Mind with more healthy Truth and the Spirit with more Affirmation and Joy.
The Masculine should Love the Feminine Life Force. Feminine is Light: The Truth of Life; because the Feminine holds within it the knowledge of Life. This is the Masculine/Feminine aspect of Love Light.
This principal goes outward from the individual to the World and the individual’s relation with others; such as Family Members. We need to Love Light in our Parents and Siblings and later on if our Life goes in that direction; our Mate and Children. We need to Affirm each other’s Spirits and Feed our Bodies and Minds.
This goes into another aspect of Love Light: The Love Light Mantra: “have no self interest; Be Doubly Generous and Good to All.” If we Love our Family we will have no problem with this. Is it self sacrifice when you Love Each other with everyone doing all they can to help each other or is it because of Love? Each person has a unique ability to contribute and enables a greater collective ability to the Family and makes it happy, strong and successful. With Love Light in practice; happiness is assured. With one qualification: Success is more likely but not assured if the Whole World doesn’t Love Light.
The further we go with Love Light; the more of the World we include; At work; with our coworkers: Churches, Clubs and Organizations. How our Company deals with the Public and other Associations. What our Church, Clubs and Organizations do as a Mission and what Good they do.
Take it further as Citizens of a country and what our Country does for the World.
Take it all the way to the Grand Man God. That's the collective being; made by all of Humanity. Does he love and protect his Mate and does he honor and protect the Creation. If we don't Love Light; neither will He.
Is this concept of Love Light valid?
How could it not be?
What if we adopted it on a Grand Scale and it became Universal?
The ideal is “The Love of the Truth of Life.”
We Co-Create if we “have no self interest; Be Doubly Generous and Good to All.”
If we don’t Love Light; we don’t love Life. Why would we not love Life?
So here’s the future if we Love Light:
Not one Soul is left out. Not one Person is unimportant. Everyone has a job to do. Everyone’s job is a perfect match. Everyone is appreciated. Everyone is Loved. Everyone knows what everyone else knows. All are One.
We don’t feel used and we’re not enslaved. We’re Free!
When we’re born; we’re born into the most Glorious Love Light and we shine with The Light of Life. We come to know exactly why we were born and the Love of Giving and Receiving.
Then as we grow old; and old we will grow; we continue in Light to Live a Life that’s Bright. No such thing as disease because all dis will ease; with Loving hands our Body, Mind and Spirit ease until we cease and more hands will ease us through. Child Again or Aged Saint. Whatever is or aint. Love Light.
Can you imagine: It’s Heaven on Earth! Can you hear the Music? The singing. We work at our craft. Some grow food. They come in from the Fields and are fed. Others make things for a need or use. Many see to our needs. We will be fed and music is everywhere. Birds fly through the trees to add their song. It’s Heaven.
A Baby is Born and Love Light raised. Another dies and is Love Light praised. The World Saved and Heaven Made.
Why wouldn’t you Love Light? Why wouldn’t you learn Light; teach it. Open it up. Find the Love inside.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
What would Life be like if we'd known the 9/11/2001 attacks were a "false flag"?
Scroll down to the bottom and klik 911 lin k after you read this.
What would Life be like if we'd not had terrorists for leaders! We wouldn't have had the attacks on 9/11/2001.
The thousands; who died in the collapse would be alive and many more thousands would not be sick (from toxic dust). And we’d still have those priceless World Trade Center buildings.
What would life be like if we had known the 9/11/2001 attacks were a "False Flag" and had gone after the real terrorists within our own government instead of letting these traitors lead us into war?
We wouldn't have been at war for 12 years and had 7,500 of our soldiers dead and 50,000 injured and 1,000,000 dead and 7,000,000 injured Afghan’s and Iraqi’s. Afghanistan and Iraq wrecked and Countless people displaced and driven insane.
We could have free medical care and free education and we could be working on pulling all our population up out of poverty.
Our infrastructure like roads and bridges could be kept up and new roads and bridges could be built. This would also be true of other government buildings, and schools and Airports as well as Parks. We could also still have the Space Program.
The Social Security that has also been robbed the whole time so there’s nothing to back our retirement from the money we paid in. Other pensions lost or depleted; such as Teachers, Firemen, Police, other Public sectors as well as Corporate pensions. All because of pirates and banksters that are also responsible for spawning the wars are allowed to conspire and steal our money and gold.
We’ve lost most of our unalienable rights; we’re spied on and harassed by screenings; all in the name of security. Not because of terrorists among us but because of acts of Treason committed by criminals in our government. I'm justified in saying this because the criminals have the power to block any investigation that would uncover the truth and besides; there’s enough facts to see their guilt anyway.
Life is still lovely for many who have good jobs and can afford to live and have fun but for a large part of our population; life is hell and desperation is the order of the day for the poor. The social programs of a once compassionate country have been replaced by an attitude of distain.
I am one of the fortunate ones for whom; life is good and this is true for those who share the benefits of my social strata but we're in denial of what life is like for less fortunate people. We commonly dismiss their problems as a lack of will, degeneracy and drug addiction but the root cause is much deeper and a lack of will by the government and public exacerbates it.
Here is a list of social programs that have been cut back or eliminated because of shortfalls in funds; due to war funding and this only scratches the surface: Head Start, Veterans benefits, fanny may/fredie mac, unemployment, low interest business loans, Medicare, daycare, food stamps, pel grants, disaster relief, court appointed attorney’s, social workers.
The fortunate few who still live good may not care and this is in large part due to the manipulation by the propaganda machine we call the media. Never the less; all our lives are at risk because no one’s immune from the consequences of a World run by such careless and bad leaders. The wages of war and unrestrained environmental degradation will eventually come home and we could all share the grief like the countries we've attacked. The World is in serious decline and the risk to Life is even shared by the 300 richest families in the World. No one is safe from what is happening due to the blasphemy of Life. We need to stop denying it.
What if we'd known the 9/11/2001 attacks were a "False Flag" and gone after the real terrorists within our own government instead of letting the traitors lead us into war? And what would Life be like if we weren’t ruled by those who seek to destroy us all?
In Light of what almost half of America's people know; don’t we deserve Justice and a New Investigation of 911?
Love Light.
Monday, September 9, 2013
A Hasty Explanation of Love Light 9/11/2001.
What happened to America and “the American Dream”? We are supposed to be a Country that believes in Freedom and Democracy. Then on 9/11/2001 a we came under attack Because of people who “hate our freedom”. Before this viciously attacked our Country had enjoyed a surplus and we were at Peace. From hate and darkness we went to war!
Who are those people who “hate our freedom”? It’s still in dispute because they hide the “truth”. This truth is tied to the truth of life and because we don’t know that; and because of lies the perpetrators were able to secretly under-mine our country.
I knew the Truth about 9/11/2001 before I discovered Love Light but after I had the name and knew the numbers, the process of explaining the true spiritual cause began. Now I understand that Love Light has the Secrets of Life and how to save ourselves by Truth.
The symbolism of Love Light is similar to the Masculine /Feminine Dynamic. Again; One without the other doesn’t work. This world has tried for thousands of years to operate in the Masculine alone and you can see where it’s gotten us.
If you see the Feminine as Life you begin to understand but more to the point; if you understand it as The Truth of Life; that truly describes Feminine Light. The Masculine; if it’s in it’s True purpose will Love and protect Light. Love Light. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the system of “Balance between Masculine and Feminine”.
What happens when negativity creeps into the Balance is similar to when negativity happens to the Family. If the Strong Protective Masculine is not practicing Love (of the Feminine) Light it destroys Life out of ignorance. Love Light is the Antidote.
“Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth but by washing away from it all that’s not gold. ~Leo Tolstoy
Lies cause Spiritual Decline. People depend on Religion to instruct them Spiritually. It’s difficult trying to separate Religious Truth from lies and often other alternatives are just more lies. Anything that claims to be Spiritual Truth but is a lie puts our whole existence at risk.
There is no god higher than truth. ~Mahatma Gandhi
“And Ye Shall Know the Truth and The Truth Shall Set You Free”. Jesus Christ.
The idea of Christ is Good and if you understand that Christ Consciousness is based on an archetype of a Spiritually advanced Hero standing against oppression; giving us the Truth that ultimately make us Free. His message is from the Ultimate Light of the Universe. Many have stood as Christ like: Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.
The truest statement Christ made was “The Truth Will Set You Free” because the Truth can set us Free and Save Us if we understand the Code of Creation.
The greatest truths are the simplest: so likewise are the greatest men. ~Augustus Hare and Julius Hare.
Everyone knows there’s something wrong but we’re not supposed to be able to figure it out. The power elite want to keep it that way because it serves their purpose. Truth is simple because it’s plain. In deceit, there are thousands of lies; all claiming to be the Truth. If we don’t realize this in time we’ll be destroyed by lies!
It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. ~Thomas Jefferson
There are so many alarming reports on everything from Fukoshima’s leaking radiation and persistent problems after the BP blowout to drones and outright wars of aggression by the US. All alarms sound silly within the present day paradigm because we only live in the present and forget the past so we can’t see the future and think things will always be the same.
Those who can’t remember the Past are condemned to repeat it. ~George Santyanna.
Love Light creates Life. If Life doesn’t Love Light; it won’t thrive and when we don’t Love Light we die. When we Love Light we Live. That’s Truth and if we’re open to it we understand Life.
If a thousand old beliefs were ruined in our march to truth we must still march on. ~Stopford Brooke
Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident.
~Arthur Schopenhauer.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Love Light 6 9 6. June 9, 2013
This system doesn’t want to be discovered for some reason and it wants to confound me with many mistakes. I keep going over and over it between the 6 and 9’s. First I thought there were 5-9’s and 7-6’s; then it was 6-9’s and 6-6’s and now I’m back to my original count! I also count mistakes as Signs.
Some spirits might not want this known.
Nevertheless, there are 3 very special Dates in June 2013: 6/3/2013, 6/6/2013 and 6/9/2013. Then there is a second and third instance of the same numbers for 6/3 (6/12 and 6/21) and one more instance for 6/6 (6/15) and 6/9 (6/18); for a total of 7 times these Trine Combinations occur.
I have decided to put Love Light on these dates and I think it’s a valid thing to do; from an instinctive viewpoint. Much of my discoveries are instinctive and I like it that way because I believe I am guided by higher forces.
The reason for the phenomena that I’m trying to illustrate today is that we are in the Trine Year; 6. This whole year is about 6/Life and this Chart and Reading have much to say about Life too.
All Trine Years are significant to this degree, in fact, the 3 Year is a High Holy Year and 9/11/3; I have determined; is a High Holy Day. Perhaps the 6 and 9 Years are Holy Years as well.
When we’re in the Trine Months this Year; we’ll get this same phenomena on Trine Days as long as we‘re in a Trine Sign; which we‘re in now (Gemini: 3). It also happened in March on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 18th. It will happen in the Trine Month of September and then again in December.
In September they’ll be on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 18th and 21st and December 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 18th . Factors necessary for this phenomena is that Year, Month, Day and Sign all have to be a Trine. Isn’t it amazing that the signs just happen to work along with system to make it work?
We don’t need to discuss the Subject; Love Light because It’s been covered in past Readings but it will affect the Reading in different ways for the 3rd, 6th and 9th.
The Number One, biggest Sign is the 7 - 6’s; as they are the most numerous and mean 7/Logic of 6/ Life. Logic of Life is what I’ve realized for quite some time is what Love Light is all about. Light is; essentially The Logic of Life and our motivation toward Light; needs to be Love. Thus; Love Light. 7 is also a very Spiritual Number. This significant number also indicated Spiritual Logic that is just as important as physical or Scientific Logic.
These 7 Lessons are in the nature of the Feminine, it seems: The one 6 in the Name is Birth Essence. It’s in the Month (Devotion), Year (Paradigm), and Star (Universal Awareness) in the Date Line and Most importantly in the (Christ) Sign. The 33/ Teacher is an older, more mature feminine aspect of the Crone in the Field (where it ends up).
This leads into a discussion of the 8/Power our Love Light gains in it’s Maturity illustrated by the 33 in the Field where it ends up a 33/Teacher (Crone) and this gives 6/Life a 33/Spiritual Significance and 8th /Power - 6/Life Lesson.
All this works together if we can just understand it.
The 9 is a Masculine symbol; I think and it represents the Masculine Love for the Feminine. There are 5 - 9 Lessons; giving it an overall aspect of Freedom; which is necessary for the Soul when it comes to having Perfect Love. Love Light is the Love of Light and Light is the Logic of Life: So this must be Loved and this takes the Masculine (Man) into Perfection and off the Physical Realm (Earth).
It is significant that I am understanding Love Light better; through these Trine Numbers. I have always before; only considered it with 9/11/3.
The Masculine; more Human 9’s are in Method, Body, Day (Definition), Way and Logi (Logic). Then you see the Legacy as 99/Spiritual Perfection and you see how the 9; after it has connected with the 7/Logic of 6/Life Ascends to a Higher Place.
This confirms what I’ve come to realize about 9.
11/Light is necessarily a big factor in all this and the 3 - 11 Lessons indicate a Completion of Light and the 3 Elements coming together; Female, Male and Child. 11/Mind; I think is the Light Child, 11/Spirit I think is the Mother and Trail is the Father. Then again the OllO is representative of Child and it’s like a Celestial Child with not 2-1’s; but 3 and that is a Celestial kind of Light. More so a Spiritual Aspect of the Mother, Father and Child.
This knowledge is complete and verified in time as the 3 Time Space Number in the Trine; the 39/Perfect Trine of Attraction.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Love Light 666. June 6, 2013.
The date 6/6/2013 is 666. Commonly thought to be “the sign of the beast”; 666 is associated with the “The anti-Christ“. Although not really based on much evidence this Meme has taken on a life of it’s own in our consciousness so I want affirm 666 and give it some Light.
According to Newmeralligy it’s not things that are Good or evil but the intentions behind them. 666 can be Good if that‘s how it’s intended.
6 is Life but in negative energy the meaning can be death. When you see 3 it’s the Trine and one aspect of the Trine is Mind, Spirit, Body. The negative 666 could be death; of the Mind, Spirit, Body and nothing could be worse! The antidote that saves Us from such a fate is a Positive 666: Life of Mind, Spirit and Body. It’s Perfect Love Light.
Knowledge of Positive and negative Energy effects is a principal of Numerology.
“Newmeralligy” expands the meaning to; “Merging the New with the Study of All”.
“Love Light“ is the Love of All of Creation. Light is “The Truth of Life”. To Love Light is to; “Love the Truth of Life”.
The reason we destroy Life is because we don’t know The Truth of Life because we believe the lies that perpetuate death.
There’s an anti-Christ but it‘s not what most people think. To understand; first understand that Christ is Truth; the Archetype and Heroic symbol of Truth.
The anti-Christ hates and wants to destroy the Hero because Truth would destroy their false matrix.
anti-Christ has an agenda to destroy Creation and deceives Humanity because it lives off the energy of death. Christ; the Messenger of Truth brings Light to Free Us from ignorance and death.
The way “Christ” has been framed has led to an ever larger anti-Christ of those who reject the Hero and the Truth. This seems to be a conspiracy of cosmic proportions in a struggle between Good and evil with forces that seem to want to destroy our Minds, Bodies and our Spirits and those that want to Save Us.
The only defense is Truth and that’s why I put Love Light up as a Holy Symbol to make 666 something Good.
You see significant numbers in the Name as a Mirror 9-11-11-9 that means Truth, Harmony, Wholeness, and Harmonious Light; protected by Love. The Table with no 1, 2-3’s and 1 of everything else means “have no self interest; Be Doubly Generous and Good to All”. This is the way of Heaven. The Date is a Trine of Life; 666 that makes 9/Perfect Love by Way of 3/Completion and a Perfect Star Gift of 9/Love.
In the Life Line there’s a Logic of 6/Life that Matures into 11/Light on a 5/Trail of Freedom; ending up in a Field of 9/Perfect Love.
There’s a Vine Line beginning at Birth to 6/Life with a Legacy of 8/(God) Power, a Life Force of 5/Freedom and an OllO (our Christ Child) of 11/Light.
This 666 Date has a 9/Perfect Love; Time Space Number that added to OllO; yields a (Christ) Sign of 11/Light.
More than anything there are 6-9 Lessons; meaning 6/Life of 9/Perfect Love. There’s 5-11’s and 5-6’s which means 5/Soul or Freedom of 11/Light and 6/Life. There’s 2-5’s/Balanced Freedom. Then there’s a 3/Completion and an 8/Power.
The Name Sign is: 1. A perfect Symbol of Masculine/Feminine Balance. 2. It’s 2 cross’s indicate that cross’s are forbidden. 3. The X’s indicate a Christogram. 4. There’s a big X, 2 small x’s and 5. 4th squat x that looks like a Manger (Cradle). 6. It’s also a symbol of Peace.
This isn’t the definitive reading for Love Light on 666 but it’s a good indication of how symbolism can be a Chanel of Divine Truth. Now; let’s pray that 666 doesn’t get used for something bad.
In our own lives we can be Creators of Good Energy and Inspiration to help the Life of everything around us. Have a Good 666.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I updated the Title Page with a new Image of Love Light 9/11/2001. You may not notice the changes but I have developed a better way to do my Reports using Word Perfect instead of doing everything on Paint. That way I can go back and make changes much easier. I have also added another Lesson Number; making the total 20. It's called "Sign" and I wanted the symbol to look like my favorite 911 Truther; Jesus Christ. Hoping for incredable visions! Amen, Awoman!
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