Sunday, March 8, 2020

Martin Luther King Jr. Chapter 18

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only Light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate. Only Love can do that. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King.

“We don’t need a Black Messiah.” ~ J. Edgar Hoover.
Referring to Martin Luther King.

I'm certain, most Americans, don’t realize; Martin Luther King was one of the Best Men we ever had.  Looking at his Chart makes it obvious.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ninennial High Holy Day: Love Light 9/11/2019

  Over time, there have been changes and innovations to this Chart. Every 9 years, there's a "Ninennial High Holy Day" and Numbers wise, the Birth Time increases by 1. The Christ Sign also increases by 1. This is the first time there's been a Spiritual Numbered Birth Time; 33/Spiritual Life. Add, OllO (Symbolic Child) 89/17 + 33/Birth Time and get 122/5 Christ Sign. What does that mean?
 It seems relevant, since we're referring to the Ninennial High Holy Day that Jesus Christ was born, according to Earnest L. Martin; 9/11/3BC. 
 So there is the OllO Symbolic Child 89/17/Understanding Perfect Love/17/God, at Birth Time 33/Spiritual Life, becoming the New Christ Sign/122/New Spiritual Work/5/Free Soul Of Man. Love Light 9/11/2019.