Monday, March 21, 2011

New Love Light Beginnings Left

Happy Spring and Solstice. It's already been 80 here in Arkansas.
More news from Japan. Of course the reason that they can't keep the water in the cooling ponds is because they're cracked and broken. They say don't drink the water because there's iodine in it. Iodine is the new code word for Radiation. Actually Iodine is what you need to take to deminish the effects of Radiation. There's many other substances we can take like kelp and we need to become familiar with these because we are going to need them I worry.
Japan had plans for more than two dozen new reactors! Sounds more like they need to get rid of the ones they have and so do we. Then we need to get into some serious austerity measures to reduce our usage of Everything!
Learn to Live Simply. Sit under the Old Oak Tree in the Summer and sleep on the Screen Porch. Ride Bicycles, have a Garden, Vacation at Home.
I think we aught to live by the part of the Lords Prayer that says Forgive Us Our Debts as we Forgive our Debtors. That way we wouldn't have to be slaves to the rat race and we wouldn't have to make a living destroying the Earth.
Look into most jobs and you will find a strong element of destroying the Earth in every one of them. The first element is getting in a car and going off to join the other wage slaves. If we stayed home and worked the ground and grew our own food that is the best way we could occupy our time!
Go back to School; not the factory school but many small community schools where they taught survival skills. The skills that our forefathers had. We could go to school with our kids and all learn these skills again!
That's my thought for the day.
Love Light Smith

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