Monday, February 28, 2011

Highest Developed Love Light So Far. The Core Principals.

I went back and removed one of my new numbers, retained others and made the scope of Newmeralligy better. Along with this I realized something new.

Highest Developed Love Light So Far; the Core Principals.

I say “Highest Developed Love Light So Far” indicating that I have improved the process and understand it better. Then I went through it and cleaned up the graphics and took out "Voice". This corrected Legacy and ollo.
8/Power is what Legacy and ollo should rightly be. Remember that Birth Essence is the Mother, Legacy is the Father and ollo is the Child. There are no other numbers that represent Mother and Father better than 6/Life and 8/Power. Father and Mother in Love produce a Child ollo/8/Power. To protect and bring up this Child destined for Power it is necessary for the Father to have Power and exhibit Authority because He needs to protect the Child and hold it High. In this case the Child is Love Light; the most Noble Ideal.
There is a new realizations that came from doing this. It concerns me that too few people Love Light. I hadn't realized what caused this until I did the work and noticed the Maturity # 7/Spiritual Reasoning. I realized that most people including myself are not Spiritually Mature. I include myself because I realize that the more spiritually developed I get the better able I'll be to get it across. On the other hand my endeavor to bring it is my practice of it.
Love Light is infinately old and must have been in existence when the Universe formed. It’s the Masculine and Feminine forces working together to bring Life to Creation.
The Core Principals are how the Masculine Loves the Feminine Life Force. I thought I had it all figured out but there's more to it than I thought. Masculine brings the Seed; the Idea. The Feminine Forms Life around it but which is Love and which is Light? If they both have Love Light they both love the Life Force by loving each other. What seems to be lacking in Humanity is the Masculine Loving the Feminine and caring for it so the Life Force will Thrive..
I propose that the Core principal is the Masculine Love for the Feminine. It is not just Men and Women but the concept that Men and Women have both Masculine and Feminine Energy within. These balance each other and work together to create and maintain Life. This is core knowledge and this realization is what gives Order to Creation. When this realization is internalized we will begin Regeneration.
What I see around me is mass confusion and many foolish people who think they're wise; but it's like Jesus said “The foolish man builds his house upon the sand.” Unless we build our beliefs on this rock of Truth we we are not Wise. This means we must understand Life before we can solve Life's problems.
We begin by taking care of ourselves completely; in Body, Mind and Spirit. If we are fortunate enough to have a Mate this adds another dimension to the equation and we have a Life outside of ourselves to take care of. This Love outside us helps the Life within. Then we direct this Love toward the Life of our Community, the World and Creation.
It won't work if it's just a Man and a Woman regardless of the Life Force. We disreguard this at our own peril. If we Love the Life Force we take care of it completely; in Body Mind and Spirit.
This is very important because if we leave out something and don't care, we fail. Particularly I think this applies to uplifting each other's Spirits. This is too often neglected. Spiritually it's more crucial than food or knowledge. This is where Love should begin because if we miss this we unknowingly hurt the Spirit; sometimes from a false sense that we are doing right. So we Believe Well, Think Well and Eat Well. It all adds up to bennefit the whole. Put Wisdom into our Soul, Truth into our Mind, and Good Food into our Body.
Again, this will not work if we are living in a World that does not Love the Life Force so once we have achieved our own balance we should share it with others by personal dialogue or in public discourse.
All People are born with imperfections. This means they have needs in their Soul. I see this in their Numbers. This is also a principal of the Church I was brought up in and it’s called “Inherited Evil”. Buddhism calls it Karma. In life we must “work on Karma” and “become Regenerated. In Newmeralligy the principal is that we are born with weak or missing Numbers in the Table and these numbers appear in our Chart as Lessons we are assigned.
Perhaps I should change the Love Light Mantra to “have no selfish interest, Be Doubly Generous and Good To All” because we must have Self Interest to take care of the Life Force within us. If we take care of the Life Force outside Us that helps Us but we don’t do it to be selfish. We do it because we were given Life and should honor and love it.
We are not taught this enough and it's a major problem. In many cases we're taught to harm. We do it to ourselves with harmful thoughts and to others with harmful actions. It seems that everything we do to make a living harms the Earth and war is the most harmful. In America we founded our culture on war so it's no wonder we're so destructive. Because we've never faced up to this we've become one big military industrial complex that's run by criminals. We think we're free but we never were and we take away people's freedom all over the World.
Referring back to something I said above we unknowingly hurt the Spirit; sometimes from a false sense that we are doing right. This mistake still plays itself out in the false belief in manifest destiny that justifies all the deadly sins; and does it with the Church's blessing. It tells the mass that we have a monopoly on the truth and the only God and the only Christ and "we must destroy the heathens that don't know God" and the mass does as it's told and goes throughout the World destroying the Core Principals. I am not blaming Jesus Christ; I'm blaming false prophets.
If Christians would be Christian they would know not to do the things they are being told to do. The Truth of Jesus is still in the Bible so people don't have much excuse to live contrary to it but they are just part of the mass. There are also other sources of Truth than the Bible too but false teachers try to threaten people not to go there. My own Newmeralligy would certainly be a big one!
That is why we destroy even the crucial Systems that Sustain Life on such a huge scale! The leaders who have led us to do this should "have a mill stone put around their necks and be cast into the Sea" because they taught us to destroy.
We are taught to dishonor Life first by the Church. Look for an example to the traditional dismissal of anything of a Feminine Deity. Mention Goddess to a Christian and you get accused of being a satan worshiper!
I want to show the flip side of this by pointing out a "Christian School" that promotes the neo-con agenda by having their leaders come in and speak to their students. One I know was Dick Cheney who works for the most destructive corporation in America; Halliburton. Now as a result of what this corporation has done this School is in the center of some of the worst environmental damage our planet has ever seen. They serve as a terrifying example of how churches are used. Nothing has really changed since the autrocities comitted by the Roman Catholic Church because churches are apparently fronts for Wall Street.
It happened that Dick Cheney was only one in a string of conservative neo cons that were invited to speak. Close to the school Halliburton is extracting “natural gas” and caused incredible destruction in Central Arkansas. It has done the same in thousands places around the Country; causing the loss of clean water sources, spewing toxic gas into the air and causing earthquakes.
We didn’t suspect a thing even though Halliburton was the company responsible for the blowout of the BP oil well in the Golf of Mexico. Our leaders knew but they took money and permitted them to go to work fracking Mother Earth; pumping unknown liquids that contain acids and diesel into the ground at incredibly high pressure; which in turn came out even more toxic to destroy aquifers and spew over land and into waterways. Not all gas was captured and it even leaked out as gas clouds into the atmosphere.
This was all predictable and happened because people are oblivious to what is sacred and because Life is't honored. The fact is that we may have lost the entire water supply of Southern Arkansas. it's killing fish in the Arkansas River and has gassed thousands of birds. There are daily Earthquakes because Mother Earth shudders as she's violated. How long can we Live without caring for Mother Earth? Only seconds without Air, only days without Water and only weeks without Food! This terribly short sighted focus of industry has let looters and bad leaders bring us to this point that now threatens us all with genocide if it's not stopped. It's all due to ignoring Core Principals.
For me I knew that it was wrong and what would happen but I have limited resources to fight against this tide. Who knows how bad it will have to get before it's stopped. There is a lot of public concern but people are beginning to realize that they don't have any power against a corprotocracy and the media propaganda machine. Once we had the Power of the EPA but that seems to have been eliminated during the reign of terror of the neo con bush and now obama. They've done their best to take us down the path to Hell!
This reference to Hell may not be considered reasonable and demonizing the corpse elite may seem unreasonable. It's mean but it's not nearly as mean as these corporations who think they're Gods. I use it because it's a pretty apt way to explain this dynamic and how it works. It seems that if negative energy is practiced so explicitly by the "elites" and they are using their power to destroy the Creation that they are trying to destroy us. This is the most evil thing I can think of! What else would satan strive to do than destroy God Us and Creation?
Why should we help Satan take us to Hell! He can't defeat us if we Honor Life and God! We can defeat him by keeping the Core Principal to Love the Life Force.
Love Light

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for your very insightful post. I believe that you are correct in the need for respect and balance between the male and female forces. I think that the closer we become to honoring those forces and the beings they represent the more we express our spirituality. This earth and our bodies are material things that can not last so our survival depends on the recognition of ourselves as spiritual entities and some decisions on how we should operate as ourselves. We need to be aware of being aware, aware of the power of our thoughts as expressions of ourselves and we need a desire towards immortality - these will lead us to operating as fully defined spirit-selves.

Love and light to you.

Trish House