Saturday, February 19, 2011

Masculine + Feminine = Creation

One of the Old Guard Prophets of Conventional Christianity; who I happen to respect a lot, challenged me on the aspects of Divinity that I have advanced concerning The Life Force. Like most of the Old Guard Monotheists; he is not yet ready to accept the Feminine Divine.
This essay is the result of going deeper into the subject:

When the Masculine and the Feminine unite there is Creation. Is that Creation Masculine or Feminine? Is it possible for either one by itself to make Creation? God Created us in his own image. Are we just Male or are we Male and Female? We are Male and Female so it stands to reason that God is Male and Female too. When Monotheists try to say that God is Male that looks like patriarchy negating the Feminine.
I don't think Jesus was like that; He had Women around him all the time. I think paul was like that; he didn't like women. There are many people who say that Christianity was usurped by paul and that he wanted people to follow him instead of Jesus.
I read the Bible with a grain of salt. It is called "Gods Word" and yet not one word was actually written directly by God. It was written by men who said it was Gods Word so actually they could have been saying "Men are God". The crazy thing is that could be true and what we think of as God is really Goddess. After all the Universe is 1 big system to Create Life and so is Mother Earth.
Mother needs Father for 1 reason and that's for procreation. She needs the Seed. Then She needs to be Loved and cared for so she can foster Life. That is her soul purpose and we can be grateful that she wants to because we are the product of her Creation. That's why we need to honor Her and Love her. If we don't we'll have to live as divorced children after Mom has been thrown out of the house. Dad doesn't know how to handle kids and he's always always talking crap about Mom!
There are many problems with Monotheism but it seems to be an outgrowth of warrior societies that have to suppress the Feminine in order to maintain their belief that justify killing and exploiting other human beings.
Prior to Monotheism all cultures honored the Feminine. Jews too had a belief in the Feminine Goddess Shekina. The Patriarchal Religious leadership of Jesus day had long before rejected Shekina and the Feminine Paradigm.
Other problems with Monotheism have to do with singular thinking that won't let other ideas in and tend to go toward their goal with blinders on; unaware of what's going on around them and unwilling to see other points of view.
This all Male energy shuts out the Feminine and the Wisdom it could gain. Patriarchy then goes obsessively into shrewd force without any thought for the Holiness of Life. This disavowal of the Feminine Life Force leads it to every kind of unwise authority over Life and Creation.
In our Society we have either Monotheism or Atheism but the idea of God/Goddess is spurned for the most part because it is a threat to the status quo. This exact same dynamic opposed Christ and the Truth. The Truth Sets People Free and the power structure of the time didn't want their subjects to be free so the anti-Christ took action and killed him and the persecutions began. Later they took his name in vane with a contrary and corrupted message and used his church as an opressive army. After that and because of their abuse of power and their absurd hypocrisy they actually spawned atheism and the anti-Christ themselves!
My friend is very kind and just and I don't know why he dislikes Feminine Spirituality so much. I suspect that it’s because he’s a traditionalist and not ready to think outside the box. They have had their Patriarchal say long enough, though and it’s time for new ideas from Holy Spirit.
There have been so many lies told by Religion that people don’t even believe there is truth but ultimately there is and we should be trying to find it together instead of fighting over it.
The analogy of a piece of fabric rent by division because I said there were many Gods was only my attempt to shake us awake a little. It could only help the fabric of the cosmos to include all manor of belief so that oneness may be possible. To deny one part or the whole truth is like never weaving the fabric in the first place. Every piece of fabric has a life span and then new fabric must be made. The materials to make the fabric comes from a world that creates via Male/ Female interaction and Men and Women use this resource and Create from it.
The only thing that the lone Masculine can do is destroy and that is what it does when it's left alone with no Love or Light.

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